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Second Christmas at the Cottage

Our third road trip in as many weeks has turned our car into a salt-licked mess.  I think I can say that we were all excited for the annual New Year's week trip to the cottage.

We arrived after Mr. Mike and Grandma Gail. Hamsta had found a new home since we last were up north.

I love that we each play the game of what will Hamsta do next?

When we got to Rhinelander I called my parents to make sure they were almost there. We didn't want to arrive before them. They were close and didn't have any plans for dinner. We picked up some frozen pizzas on the way. 

When we would come up to the cottage in the winter as kids it would take all day for the place to warm up. I was surprised at how warm it already was when we arrived. I guess my dad cheats and uses an electric heater to help get things going. 

Meadow came as a reindeer.

Meadow played with her Grandpa before we all headed to bed early. 

My mom was already in bed when we had arrived the night before so she hadn't seen Meadow yet. 

Waffles for breakfast.

It's always nice when you wake up to breakfast.

I had been hearing about making luminaries from Bundt pans lately. Since I have plenty of Bundt pans I thought I would bring a few with to try it out. Plus with it being so cold I knew they would freeze quickly. 

Three done. Time to make some more. 

Meadow's new buddy Hamsta. 

Then we all headed to the local grocery store to get some food for the next few days. 

I always wanted these as a kid. It's great that they still make them.

Meadow still can't quite sit up yet, but I put her in the cart seat anyway because she prefers to look around which she can't do as well in the Ergo. She kept falling over so my dad tied her scarf to the cart.

I thought this couldn't be comfortable, but she wasn't complaining.

The grocery store must have been too boring for her because she fell asleep.

I guess she was comfortable after all.

After we got home it was time to find a Christmas tree. 

This was my first time getting the up north Christmas Tree.

Most of the pines are either huge or scrawny.

My dad was much pickier than us. 

Finally we found the right one. 

I kind of wish we'd do actual Christmas up here one of these years. It would be quite the experience for the little babies.

My mom wanted to make "boiled dinner" for dinner. She basically threw a pot roast into the oven and called it a day. Scott said it needed vegetables so Meadow and Scott helped her out.

Actually she wanted to make a pot roast. What we call a pot roast, she calls a boiled dinner. Apparently Mama Gail only considers it a pot roast when it's in the oven. She planned on adding veggies. I just did it for her.

Meanwhile I worked on making my parents favorite candy, sponge candy. We saw a white chocolate variety at the store, my parents prefer chocolate. So I said I would make some myself. 

I think this was the first time I've seen Gail in the backyard during the winter.

I had no idea it was so easy to make. 

My dad trimmed the tree and taped it up to keep it from falling over. 

I started melting chocolate for the sponge candy. 

Then Blake showed up.

Sponge candy is basically butterfingers without the peanut butter flavor. At least that's my educated guess.

Meadow was so excited to see her uncle Blake. 

Blake opened his Christmas present first. His book about lost Duluth architecture hadn't arrived on time for the real deal.

With everyone passing around Meadow I actually was able to knit.

Meadow had never unwrapped a present before.

Meadow was so excited to open hers. 

She got her first camera from aunt Chelsea.

First? Didn't she get a hand-me-down toy SLR from me?

We got Blake another sweater.

A hand me down from me. It accidentally shrank and it fit Blake perfectly.

Even though we weren't expecting anymore gifts from my parents we got two Fiestaware Gusto bowls. 

We also got a photo magnet and Baby's First Christmas frame.

Also got a tooth brush since Gail noticed mine was so ragged.

Meadow got a kitty sippy cup from her Grandparents. 

Blake's actual present from us was a MN State Park pass. 

I got another spice/coffee grinder. I'm actually going to keep both since you don't really want to mix coffee and spices in the same machine.

And lastly Meadow and I got a bike seat from Chelsea. This is for when we don't want to use the trailer. 

Then it was time for dinner.

I made Blake a veggie beer stock roast.

A rare family photo.

We were originally going to wear these flannel shirts in our Christmas card.

For dessert...sponge candy!

Despite the subzero temperatures Meadow is hoping to go snowmobiling. 

Then I lit the luminaries I made so far. Oooo.

To be continued...


Amanda said…
What is hamsta? Ha, ha.
I loved those little drinks when I was a kid too! Where can you find them now a days? I haven’t seen them in a long time.
It looks like such a nice cozy time up at your cottage! I love Meadow’s reindeer outfit. We have the same big bowl with the stripes on it.
Sounded like a nice Christmas.
@Amanda Hamsta is stuffed hamster that Mr. Mike won for Momma Gail at a carnival. We move him somewhere in the cottage every time we leave.

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