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On Christmas Eve (Or is it the Twenty-Fourth Day of Advent?) We Celebrated With Family

Meadow wanted to get a rest in before going on Christmas Eve adventures in Detroit.

She much prefers and sleeps better sleeping on her stomach now.

The hotel here has the best continental breakfast I've ever had. 

The Hyatt Place in Utica, Michigan to be precise.

After breakfast we decided to go for a swim. Being that it was Christmas Eve we had the place to ourselves.

Meadow wasn't having it. Last time we took her swimming she loved it. I thought maybe she was cranky because she was hungry so I nursed her.

She still wasn't having it, but once she got used to the water she was having fun. 

I loved the way the sun shone on the ceiling.

After Meadow-bear and I had some swimming fun it was momma and baby time.

She played for a good half hour. 

Then we got dressed and headed out to see the great city of Detroit.

My dad also wanted to see the city so he tagged along.

Driving in the night before I was saddened by all the homes we saw that were burned. It was nice to see other parts of the city that were still thriving.

This church was just north of Eight Mile Road. The suburbs are just fine.

We drove all the way down Woodward Avenue, which bisects the city. Most of the street was in utter disrepair besides a few beautiful old churches

Highland Park and not Detroit was the saddest section of that stretch. It's one of two cites fully encircled by Detroit. It once was home to more than 50,000 and now has just 11,629 residents. It was home to the second Ford Model T plant and Chrysler's headquarters into the 90s.

Once we got to Midtown and New Center things got much better, but I didn't take too many photos since I wanted to take it all in.

The inner journalist in Scott likes to read everything. He suggested a BBQ joint for lunch that he had read about.

Slows BBQ in the Corktown neighborhood just to the west of downtown Detroit.

I loved these old sleds as decoration.

Split pea and okra fritters for an app.

These were so good. 

Meadow was well behaved. She bumped her head earlier leaving a red mark on her forehead and under her eye.

We were worried at first, but she seemed no worse for wear.

For the second time since we've known each other we ordered the same thing.

We both got the Reason.

Right down the road is Detroit's most famous ruin, Michigan Central Station. You really have to see the ornate details on the entryway.

I really hope this place gets fixed up.

We then went back toward downtown and drove around.

GM's headquarters are one of the few post-WWII skyscrapers in the city.

We then drove back through the many townships with Grosse Pointe in their name and back to the hotel in the burbs.

We all met up at the hotel before heading out for our Christmas dinner.

We stuffed Meadow in a highchair so she could be like the rest of us.

One of the few restaurants that was still open on this Eve of Christmas was Buddy's Pizza.

Little Simone sat on her grandpa's lap during dinner.

It was so fun seeing Katrina, Dennis and their little one. The only thing missing was our NYC broham.

Brooke looking beautiful as usual.

After awhile Meadow wanted out of the the high chair.

Buddy's is a Detroit classic and features square cut pizza that is rectangular.  I thought it was like really good Pizza Hut.

Meadow fell asleep.

For it being Christmas Eve the place was really busy.

Then we all hung out in Scott's parents room and the cousins got to play together in their Christmas pjs.

It was not a traditional Christmas, but we made the best of it.

These two little ones definitely look like cousins.

Gail brought along a metal Christmas tree for us to decorate.

We each put on beautiful glass blown ornaments.

Meadow had to take a break from all the fun.

Gail had also brought Mrs. Clause's hat. Mrs. Claus is a  fancy lady.

Then we all got a chance to try it on.

Brooke looked pretty fancy in it.

We had gotten a gift for Simone.

Penguin pajamas. She looks thrilled.

I think little Simone looks a lot like my dad.

We hung out and passed around the babies.

"Que Pasa Simone?"

Meadow liked Simone's toy.

After a while we all were tired. I can't wait to see my little niece again.


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