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Fall Walks and Farmers Markets

The time change was great. I had breakfast before the others woke up. I got up at 8 and Meadow slept until 9. I actually got up early for once and before Meadow. 

For 6 weeks I pumped everyday to stock up on milk for when I go back to work. When I went back it turns out Meadow gets enough from the supply I pump the morning of. I figure at least this way if anything happens to me or I can't breastfeed for some reason at least she can still get breastmilk.

Well that's kind of depressing. I hope nothing happens to anyone and we just have way too much breast milk in the freezer.

As the last days of the Farmers Markets are dwindling down we decided to head out to pick up the last of the local veggies. 

I think there will be a few weeks of the market left. There was a cornucopia of produce available.

Meadow enjoyed looking at all the produce. 

I'm pretty sure she just likes looking at colors of any sort.

We got collards, chard, dino kale, parsnips, broccoli, cabbage, brussel sprouts, red onions, carrtos, baby bok choy, garlic green bell peppers and potatoes.

If I remember correctly this all cost only $26. Until next year farmers market deals.

I made chili from the night before and then headed down to Excelsior for a gig I needed to get done.

I had leftover Ma-po Tofu.

I'm shooting lifestyle photos and shoots of neighborhoods for a local startup called  Community Expert. This one didn't quite fit the vibe. Excelsior was definitely my favorite shoot to date.

While Scott was out we did some play time and then she started getting grumpy.

It is probably the last nice day for a while so we went for a walk. 

We walked along the Theo Wirth Parkway. I saw a dad flying a kite with his kids. 

Why don't more people use this park? It's not like it's in a dangerous neighborhood. Is it because it's adjacent to North Minneapolis?

I more or less walked around Excelsior. This streetcar suburb isn't sprawling like most of my shoots for this company. Brooke and Meadow should've come along.

We always bike the parkway, it was interesting to see it from a walking perspective. The walking path brings you down to the creek. 

I want to take more walks with her.

They'll have to be with snowshoes very, very soon.

I made it back home in time for dinner.

Meadow watched us in her chair while we cooked.

We went back and forth on cooking duty.

I made dinner again. Chicken and mango quesadillas. 

I've been getting sick of this flickering light above the sink.

I tried fixing it, but it turns out that the wires were shot. Put up a work light temporarily. Brooke called it ghetto.

We both hung out with Meadow until she fell asleep.


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