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Meadows Meets...Everyone

And crepes are back on the breakfast menu.

I'd eat these every morning if it were up to me while you'd eat big pancakes.

Scott says I'm a grandma because I like doing crossword puzzles. He likes to read forums on his phone. We all have our own ways of spending our time.

Cool urbanist forums to be precise.

I suggested we go for a walk. There are roads nearby that I've never even been down. 

Unfortunately I need new shoes since my decent pair has a hole in the sole. Great band name, by the way.

I loved this super cute cottage. I'm pretty sure it was under 1000 square feet. 

I'm thinking it was under 500.

This place now has a sign that says it's monitored by a security camera. Who are they trying to fool?

Scott saw me struggling and asked what I was doing. I said I was trying to get the taffy out of my pocket. 

Homesteading in the woods.

This is my dream. Who needs lake access?

Meadow was getting hungry.

Thank goodness I can feed her anywhere anytime. 

After our walk it was time for lunch. Leftover stir fry and BBQ dinner from last night. 

I was already missing this place even though we hadn't even left.

If she's not sucking on her fist it's one of our fingers. 

Hopefully next summer she will be more willing to go in the water. 

It was warm out, but the lake never really got warm this year. Sorry, Blake. If you're bath is this cold your landlord needs to get a new water heater.

Then Scott was angry about dinner. A little burnt but fine by me.

I'm not always good at grilling. Nothing quite turned out. At least Brooke was OK with it.

Although you can't tell Meadow has been super fussy the last few days. It could be coincidence, but a part of me wants to blame it on the shot she got at her two month appointment.

Coincidence? Maybe.

Any time she's asleep I don't want to disturb her to wake her up or she'll be more upset. 

We cleaned up the cottage and had quesadillas for lunch. We seem to always be the last ones to leave and stuck with cleanup.

Take note Romenesko kin. Just because you leave early doesn't mean we get all the hard work.

We said goodbye to the cottage until New Years and made our way down to the Fox Valley. Chelsea called and asked if we wanted to come over for dinner. 

Meadow thought she would impress Chelsea with her spit up and grab Mama's hair skills. 

Meadow was all, "Where's my new baby boy cousin."

We heard Mr. Nolan crying and didn't realize we walked right by him when we came in. They're 7 weeks apart and almost the same size. Nolan was so calm and fell back asleep when I held him. I already miss when Meadow was like that. 

He's such a little man. It's nice to have a baby boy in my life since everyone I know has girls. 

It's weird being an uncle times two...and soon three.

Chelsea has a rock and play that I thought Meadow would hate. Especially with her grumpiness lately. I was shocked she fell asleep and stayed asleep. The cousins had a little nap time together. 

And for dinner we had corn. Scott was not happy.

I wasn't angry. I just think of corn as a side, not the main dish. This is how people get malnourished.

She loved this swinging bed.

Meadow and Nolan have the same color walls. 

The next day we had a play date with Donna and Penelope. My mom didn't want us to take Meadow. 

I can't believe we are both moms now. 

Meadow enjoyed Penelope's baby gym.

After hanging for a bit, I cruised around downtown Appleton on my bike. I took this pic of an oil drum on the island in the middle of the Fox River for some reason.

When Penelope woke up from her nap she joined too. 

Penelope was like, "What's this baby doing in my gym?"

I only took a short ride. I guess missed Penelope.

After our long visit we were hungry and decided to go to JD's Drive-In. I have actually never been here before.

It's more of a drive-thru despite what its name might imply.

We got a healthy lunch of ice cream and cheese curds. 

The curds were amazing.

Then we stopped by Grandma's house so Meadow could meet her Great Grandma. 

I think Meadow was starting to get confused why all these strange people were holding her. She wasn't having it.

Meadow was crying the entire time. Nonetheless it was great to see her great-grandma.

I fed her, she took a nap, Scott changed her and she still wasn't happy. 

As we were leaving my Uncle Jack and Aunt Sandy showed up to take my Grandma out to eat. As soon as Jack started talking she stopped crying. We may have to get a recording of him talking.

It's that deep Romenesko voice. I guess mine isn't manly enough.

When we got home my mom left a note saying she was at the neighbors and to bring baby. 

She was calm and even took a short nap with Karen. 

Karen is always fun to talk to.

Chico got to meet his first baby and I think this was Meadow's first dog. No wait she met Enzo at Donna's earlier. He even licked her.

The next day it was time to head south again. 

Meadow's GiGi didn't want her to leave. 


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