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Memorial Day Means Cottage Season

For the first time in probably four years I had Memorial day off. I also only have 3 weeks left before I need to stick around Minnesota. Having the baby outside of the state wouldn't be good.

I decided we should head up after we were both done with work. I'm not really a morning person. I'm sure you already figured that out.

My dad and Keenan were already up. My dad said they didn't have any food so we had to make pancakes from scratch ha. 

My dad and Keenan left to go fishing for the day. An out of state fishing license is 50 bucks. So we stuck around the cottage. 

Brooke took the kayak out while I chugged along on the paddle boat. Do they make more efficient paddle boat's nowadays. If they weren't so slow they'd be fun.

We still haven't gotten a roof rack for our kayaks. Otherwise we'd both be kayaking.

Scott was bored riding the paddle boat so we headed back. I read more on how to be a mom.

If reading a lot of books is a sign, she'll be the best mom ever.

While she read, I watched minnows swim in a makeshift reef.

When the boys got back from fishing we headed to town to get more worms and food. 

The grocery store had Rhinelander brand potato chips. I've never seen these anywhere else in all my years in Wisconsin.

We were on are way after we picked up some smores fixings, sausages and frozen pizzas.

I haven't eaten frozen pizza in forever. 

Mr. Mike and Mamma Gail love to use paper plates and cups to save themselves from doing dishes.

When we were up last time I started painting this paint by number picture. I brought it out again. 

When we were coming back from town I noticed a lot of signs for rummage sales. Scott and I went back to check them out. 

The first one just had junk from the 90's. 

On our way to Eagle River we found another one that was full of antiques.

This organ would look great in our dinning room.

I really wanted this vintage outdoor bar set.

A  woman at the last sale recommended another one to us on the outskirts of Eagle River saying there was some baby stuff. There was hardly any, but lots of cool antiques. 

Rhinelander beer cans. I don't think you can get this brand anymore. I think the potato chips and beer cans are sign that we need to visit the capital of the Northwoods soon.

Then we walked around downtown Eagle River a little bit. When we told my dad later that we went he said, "Aww, you should have gotten me some peanut brittle."

Next time, Mr. Mike.

I took this picture at the moccasin shop until I noticed the twenty signs that said no pictures. OK, then. I won't mention your shop to potential customers. 

While we perused the selection the proprietor ranted and raved about the imminent revolution against the Feds. I'm guessing she's never used an interstate or US Highway, isn't going to receive Social Security and has never went to a national park.

We stopped in at Soda Pop and got a soda. 

The warehouse, not the restaurant. You'd think the sodas would be a bit cheaper here, but no.

Brooke wanted an orange soda. I wanted an orange cream. I caved in and we shared a Frostie.

Before heading back we stopped at the overpriced outfitters store. I always like to go to look around.

I don't know if they're overpriced compared to REI, but I guess when you compare it to Fleet Farm it's true. Someday we're going to get fancy kayaks like the ones above.

Last weekend my dad came up with his brothers so there was tons of junk food leftover. Scott was feeling nostalgic. 

My dad and Keenan caught enough fish that day so we could have a fish dinner. 

Mr. Mike hardly put breading on the Northern, but they turned out perfect. I guess a fisherman should know a thing or two about cooking fish.

Fried fish, cantaloupe, asparagus and fries. 

Dad fried the blue gills whole. Scott was braver than me and tackled those. 

 I think I got one piece of bone lodged in my throat, but it was worth it.

Once Keenan returned from building forts with the neighbor kid we pulled out Creationary. 

Mr. Mike's grey pig. I guess he didn't have a better option seeing as there are no pink Legos.

Keenan was handicapped by his broken wrist.

The next morning dad made us breakfast. 

Eggs, hashbrowns and bacon.

Not just any bacon. Nueske's bacon.

I thought we'd kayak during the day, but Brooke cajoled her dad into a gentle boat ride with no bumps.

I guess over the winter some animal made the barn his home. 

My midwife advised I don't go on any fast boat rides as it may be too bouncy. Even though I'm pretty sure my mom went on lots of boat rides pregnant with us. I still wanted to go, so my dad took us on a slower route. 

I think its funny that people have satellite dishes at their vacation homes. After I took this photo my dad told me they looked at buying this lot and said that the house was just a shack. 

Halfway the motor was having trouble and getting plugged with mud. 

McGuiver dad fixed it. 

It was a slow ride, but we went further than we've ever went in the past down "the Thoroughfare".

At some point we road through a drainpipe.

I think I like the faster boat rides. We'll have to wait until Baby Tuska is big enough.

After the boat ride and lunch (frozen pizza again) we decided to go hiking. Keenan only likes to fish, so he didn't join us. 

We went over to the Nicolet National Forest and found a two mile trail. 

To be precise, a two mile trail by Seven Mile Lake.

These woods may have lost a bit of their luster after seeing the Redwoods.

"Keep going or head back to the car?" asked dad.

"Keep going," I said. 

Dad: This would be a good sledding hill.

Me: What about all the trees?

Dad: That would be the challenge. 

I'm pretty sure Blake would have found tons of things to eat on our walk.

I'm not so sure he would have eaten baby pine trees. At least that's what I think these are. 

My parents rent out the place during the summer. My dad asked if  Scott could take some photos for a brochure they want to make. 

Mr. Mike took us out on the boat so I could take a picture of the shore.

Meanwhile I read one of my mom's random magazines. 

My dad and Keenan left to go back home. We didn't need to be anywhere until Tuesday evening so we stuck around for another night. 

We forgot to plan for dinner so we had s'mores and brats. 

Actually we had Italian Sausages. Brooke hates eating sausage on a bun and suffered her way through  one.

I would have been fine if we had some sides to go with it. 

I had noticed a jar of cherries sitting around earlier and asked my dad if that was pie filling. He said, "No. They're scary cherries." Cherries infused with alcohol. Scott made himself an adult kitty cocktail with them.

Not bad, but I wasn't expecting pits.

We then watched Lincoln. I had no clue he had kids. 

The next morning we got up and I ate gross cereal and cleaned up the cottage. 

Scott took more photos of the place. 

I love the randomness of the living room furniture. 

I'm thinking someday we should replace the wood panels in the bedrooms with drywall. 

 The wainscoting on the other hand is great.

Then we went back home. I had a 4 pm photo shoot at Indeed Brewing in Minneapolis.

I've seen so many closed businesses up north. These two were on the outskirts of Rhinelander. I think the right business with good products would do well in the Northwoods.

We had passed Polar Pete's on the way up and I noticed they had frozen custard. So of course we had to stop by on our way back. 

The place was pretty cool actually  Almost all their products were local. We may have to pick up some items the next time we go to the cottage. 

Somewhere around here I found out that we were going to push back the photo shoot at Indeed. I guess we could've stayed at the cottage another day. Ah, well. We'll be back.


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