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Bad Day, Good Day

 With all the fresh greens this summer we've been eating more salads. I decided to grow some alfalfa sprouts to add to our salads.

We just got a new dryer from my Best Buy before I found out that we were closing the store early. We don't use it much in the warm months, but it's nice to have.

We did start pain l'ancienne dough for grilled pizza the next day.  

We've been taking a break from bread baking. I still want to make everything in that book, but with the hot weather we're trying to use our oven as little as possible. 

 We needed a few things from the farmers market so we headed there. I was really hoping for strawberries, but being out of town lately I've missed out on the season.

We ran into my Geek Squad mate Toby at the market and chatted for a while about his new life in St. Cloud and what he was doing in the cities. 

I love taking pictures of this wall.

We then went to the central library before heading back into the miserable heat.

Apparently everyone has the same reading list as me. Every book I wanted was checked out. 

We took the river back over north.
 It was so hot Scott ate his ice cream in front of a fan. We were both getting crabby from the heat. We don't have air conditioning and we were debating on what to do with the rest of our day.

Cevonne texted us about coming to St. Paul to lounge in their pool. We weren't going to say no to that.

I'm almost went into the pool with my phone and business cards. Do you need somebody to photograph, well, anything?

I guess Brooke was cool enough at this point.

If I had a backyard like theirs I would never go inside. They have lots of shade, a pool, a patio and a hammock. 

Cevonne, Madi and I stayed in the pool for a little longer.

Brooke's had sunburn wings from earlier in the day.

I hate when I miss areas when putting on sunscreen. 

Then we ate the best smoked pork chops ever.

Jose treated us well. Pitchers of sangria and lots of yummy food.

 The pool fun was over and they got the cover ready. 

Then we decided we needed a quick dive into the frigid water. I had to show off my red sleeves.
We headed back inside and passed around Madeline.

We came home and ate some ice cream cones.

 We finished the last of Downton Abbey. That is until next season.


emma. said…
That pool looks nice. :)

I wish we had a bigger one. I'm hoping we can go to Tyler's friend, Luke's, house to swim more. Olive is pretty good but she'll only get better with practice. A pool is easier than a lake.

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