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A Cleaning Kind of Day

This morning I made Scott and I breakfast. Oatmeal with craisins. 

As you know its never sweet enough for Scott. We have breakfast together quickly before he heads off to work.

Were kind of frugal and like a few other American's we don't turn our heat on until after Halloween. Our house has been in the 50's the past couple of weeks. 

 It's not that bad during the day, but at night it gets a little chilly. This is how many layers of blankets we have on our bed. One. 



And 6. 

Scott said he'd do the dishes yesterday. Of course he didn't so I was left to do them.


We still have the plates we used at our wedding sitting on our dining room table. We had plans to keep some and sell the rest. We couldn't decide which ones to part with so we decided to keep them all. The only thing was I needed to find room to store them all. 

 I took everything out of our built-ins to do some reorganizing. Most people do deep cleaning in the spring, but I like to do most of it in the fall. I never really understood spring cleaning. I guess it makes sense for washing windows. In the spring I'd rather be outside then inside cleaning. 

I then took a break for lunch. The other night I used my bundt pan to roast a chicken in it.

 Not our photo

We don't usually eat meat on it's own, but I wanted to try it out and find another use for my pan. I had the leftovers for lunch. Along with some apple slices and peanut butter. 

With the leftover carcass I made chicken stock.

I went back to reorganizing. It was taking me a lot longer than I thought it would. I took a break with some tea. 

Every night at the same time a neighborhood cat comes into our yard. I want to steal it, but it seems like it gets enough to eat so it must belong to someone.

Then I made pizza dough. 

 Peanut played in a box. 

 I preheated the oven and then the smoke detector went off. Something was burning on our pizza stone. 

Then I made pizza sauce from our tomatoes from the farmers market.

 I worked until close, so I came home to busy Brooke.

We had some gluten-free crust in the freezer.

We also had dairy free cheese in there. We're out of space in our freezers again so we decided to use these up.

Our gluten-free-dairy-free pizzas. Scott had made homemade sausage the other day too. We used what was leftover on our pizzas.

 The gulten-free pizza dough wasn't good and the cheese reminded me of a crappy Velveeta.

They were not very tasty at all. I couldn't even finish mine. I do like some gluten-free things, but this tasted nothing like pizza crust.

 Then we decided to light the candles to have our real meal. Brooke had little trouble lighting these, so I had to get matches from our camping bag.

Since it's getting dark so early again we have our dinners by candlelight. 

 Peanut joins us for dinner. 

 The next pizza was made with wheat crust and the fake cheese. It tasted a little better. The fake cheese just couldn't convince me. 

 Peanut didn't mind either way. He hoped he would get some meat, but apparently he doesn't like my homemade sausage. What a punk!

After dinner I finally finished fitting everything back into place. 


Amanda said…
You are funny!!!! 6 layers of blankets! Oh goodness….I miss you Brooke. And Scott. :)

You know what would be cool to do with your plates? You should crack some of the in pieces and make a mosaic to hang on your wall. I saw that on “Restaurant Impossible” (one of my favorite shows) and it looked really cool.
Brooke did you cook in the dark?

Ha, ha!!! Peanut ate his plate clean! That’s one of my favorite pictures. :)

I love your blogs.

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