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Is It Snowing In Space?

Today while I was sitting in my boring cost control class we find out there is a tornado warning. What do they have us do? Take all our things with us before leaving the room and have us sit in the stairway (my class is on the 4th floor). I should be lucky to be alive. The funny thing was watching everyone immediatly get on their cell phones to tell their friends that they were trapped in a stairway.

So this new job that I have been talking about, yea funny story. First of all they wanted me to wear khaki's haha, who wears khaki's anymore I mean seriously. The only ones I could find were at Kohl's that were super tight and flared out at the bottom. So I thought, why the heck am I even doing this, I know I'm going to hate the job and they are going to make me work crappy hours, oh yea they made me promise I'd work every Saturday evening in the summer ha. In my panic to find a new job fast I resorted to craigslist where I found several jobs and e-mailed all of them. I was lucky enough to get a response right away. After deciding when to set up an interview we told each other what we looked like and what we'd be wearing. Even the interveiw felt like a first date, we met at a bakery where we sipped coffee and talked about ourselves. By the end I had a new job. I am a maid for rich people. The great thing is the lady who hired me doesn't take taxes out of the paycheck. The clients actually leave you a check when you go to their house. The first house we went to was beautiful and time just flew by. On the other hand Dollar Thrifty wasn't too happy. Since they have this fear of calling people I got this e-mail.

Other than that we're getting 3 new roomates this fall. One including Scottie who comes home soon. I feel like a little kid counting down to Christmas, except this present will be better. Our house is posessed with ghosts, just ask Julia.

But our basement may be a new venue.

And I've picked up knitting again, it helps keep from doing homework. I'm back to Scott's sweater which I'll hopefully finish by this winter.


Anonymous said…
ghost, COOL! a few days ago a my friend was talkn bout a owija(sp?) board and i was thinkn, 'i really want one' so im probably goin to go to thrift shops and stuff lookn for one, then i will take on to your house! ps, NEW PICS!
Anonymous said…
Now that I'm checking all the time, you're not writing anymore! Ha,ha...
Anonymous said…
If you get this.
I'll be in Minneapolis August 9-11. I'll probably call you kids on the 10th. We're staying at the hotel across from the Mall of America.

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