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We Could Close The Curtains, Pretend Like There's No World Outside

One day after a huge snowstorm I went outside to drive off in my car, but things didn't go as I had planned. My car is not suitable for driving in winter and unfortunately got stuck on a pile of snow not allowing the front wheel to touch the ground. After a half hour of scraping any snow out that I could, my frustrated, impatient self quit and decided to try again later. Two hours later my car was gone. The damn city stole my car from me. I proceeded to the impound lot only to find that 1700 people had also wanted their cars. Impatient me again left to return again the next day. After school I walked through parts of Minneapolis I had never been to before in hopes of getting my car back. $180 later it was returned to me. The man who brought me to my car told me a story about how he told a girl to watch out for the angry elephants and giraffes on the way to her car. She (a Minnesotian of course) asked to be escorted to her car because she didn't want to go alone. I got a good laugh out of that.

Here are some things I've been working that past couple of months. Sorry for the delays.


Anonymous said…
"watch out for angry elephants..."

PS: you typed "damn" WEIRD! this akward naked.
Anonymous said…
That sucks!! I'm so sorry..I can't believe they would steal your car. How mean....especially when they knew it was stuck. How did you afford it? Hope your day got better...
Anonymous said…
Whats wit da doll? And at lease someone didn't push u in a wheel chair and put a hole in the wall. Mmm... Pie...

Love ya,

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