We've been making sure that Meadow plays with the neighbor kids before we move. We'll really miss their whole family.
All of our neighbors have been great.
Theo swung while I attempted to pack the garage.
The kids have been making do with what's left that we haven't packed yet.
Packing is a lot of work. So much stuff.
We've been making meals out of what we have in the house already. That way we have less food to pack since we have to fit everything in the fridge into a couple coolers.
Hopefully we won't need masks soon.
Our last Sunday in the condo happened to be Open Streets Lyndale. We were busy most of the day but made it for the last couple hours. First we had to drop off all our library books.
I still don't get why we don't do Open Streets every Sunday like they do in Mexico City and much of Latin America.
Theo is still afraid of other kids.