He's the best hugger you've ever met.
He is 3'1" tall and weighs 30 lbs.

He loves being outside, building things, helping us cook, playing video games, super heroes, his baby and blanket.
He is 3'1" tall and weighs 30 lbs.

He loves being outside, building things, helping us cook, playing video games, super heroes, his baby and blanket.
He loves to pretend to be Link and Batman and Lightning McQueen is his jam.
In the last year he's become a Papa's boy.
I love the little runt. Most of the time.

He still looks up to Meadow and loves everything she likes.
At least when Meadow's not picking on him.
He's gotten pickier with eating. Loves breakfast but not a fan of dinner. But he'll still try something when asked.

He still looks up to Meadow and loves everything she likes.
At least when Meadow's not picking on him.
Meadow is his guide and he'll basically eat what she eats.

He's really picked up talking in the last year to full sentences and stories. He has a little bit of a stutter.
Think it runs from Meadow to Theo. It's so much fun talking to my little guy.
He hates getting his diaper changed and also refuses to use the toilet.
This will be the death of me.

He's still a night owl and likes to sleep in. Occasionally still takes naps when he gets up early.
If he could stay up to midnight every day he'd be happy. Most of the time we try to get him to bed before 9. But he'd be just fine with it being New Year's Eve every day.

He's still a night owl and likes to sleep in. Occasionally still takes naps when he gets up early.
If he could stay up to midnight every day he'd be happy. Most of the time we try to get him to bed before 9. But he'd be just fine with it being New Year's Eve every day.
How old are you? Showed me 3 fingers with his hand.
What is your favorite color? Blue
What is your favorite animal? Butterflies
What is your favorite book? Supercat
What is your favorite TV show? Dinosaur Train
What is your favorite movie? Cars!
What is your favorite song? Um Animal Crossing song
What is your favorite food? fruit
What is your favorite drink? Spindrift
What is your favorite breakfast food? Pancakes
What is your favorite snack? Fruit
What is your favorite outfit? Um this. (points to the shirt he's wearing. A blue shirt with red stripes)
What is your favorite game? Yoshi World
What is your favorite toy? Cars
Who is your best friend? Meadow
What is your favorite thing to do? play puzzles
What is your favorite thing to do outside? Play with toys
What is your favorite holiday? Um boo boos
What do you like to take to bed with you at night? Gah gocks. Blanket and baby.
Where is your favorite place to go? Park
What is your favorite restaurant? Umm poo poos (he hasn't been to a restaurant in almost a year)
Where do you want to go on vacation? Minnesota
What do you want to be when you grow up? toys
What did we do on your birthday? Nothing. Lego Batman.