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On the First Week (Or So) of Advent...

Dec 1 - Decorate the House
 We started December off with decking the halls.

That's a fancy way of saying we put up random decorations.

Dec 2 - Get a Tree
We really get into this Christmas decoration thing.

For breakfast I made Pannukakku. It's basically Big Pancake made in a 9x13.

The pancake flattens a lot as it cools.

Then I jarred our latest batch of sauerkraut.

After a few busy body things around the house we headed up to Rum River Tree Farm to get our Christmas tree on this not so very white day. It said to stop here for farm information. I was expecting someone to come out and talk to us. After waiting 5 minutes we realized it was serve yourself. Apparently neither of us remembered how this worked.

Then we drove around in circles until we found a suitable trees.

We decided to skip the pokey long needle tree this year.

None of these were quite tall enough.

Maybe in a year or two little trees.

After trying a different spot Meadow decided she didn't want to get out of the car.

We decided on this Fraser Fir after much debate.

Now we just had to tie her on and bring it home.

Before we went on our next adventure we had some leftover bs'ghetti.

Then we headed to the Global Market for our favorite sale of the year. The No Coast Craft-O-Rama.

It's a great place to find unique gifts without resorting to Etsy.

I could get one of each of every pottery item.

To get our free parking we got a dish of ice cream to share.

We could split it in half. Meadow picked birthday cake and I selected egg nog. Then we ate it.

Untl next year, No Coast.

Of course we brought out our tree forest again.

Dec 3 - Decorate the Tree
We now had to decorate all of the trees. First we got the lights all strung up.

Meadow is at the perfect age for starting to understand Christmas. She was really excited to decorate her own tree.

Dec 4 - Decorate Outside
At the tree farm we picked up a bundle of tree scraps. I decided to make a giant wreath to hang on our peak.

It was looking great, although it was going to have to be hung just right.

It turns out we didn't have any thing strong enough to hold up the wreath.

Or a ladder tall enough to reach the peak.

 It became a smaller wreath for our door and garland for the lower railing.

Dec 5 - Take Our Christmas Card Photo
I had a different idea for our card this year than Scott. Scott won. I joked we should do a jumping photo.

I'm not sure I won. I just wasn't going to be able to do a cheesy studio photo shoot without a studio.

We then decided on doing a pyramid.

It turned out pretty great.

We had no idea Meadow was actually standing on us. This was an outtake that turned into the right pick.

Dec 6 - Sinterklass
Meadow was excited to get a stocking this year. She got suckers from a Mexican market in the wooden shoes and a learn to write board book.

She also got a ceramic snowman ornament that she put on the tree right away.

I also made her set of baking ingredients for her play kitchen. She loves to make Bundt cakes recently.

And last, she got her Christmas pj's.

Dec 7 - Meadow Visits Santa
Meadow and I listened to classical Christmas music. She decided she had to get all dressed up.

Sadly this is the last year we will get to go to Santaland as Macy's in Downtown Minneapolis is closing next year.

In years past Meadow just zoomed through everything. This year she took it slow and looked at everything.

There's so much to see.

She really loved the elves' bakery.

In the past week I had been preparing Meadow on what will happen with her visit to Santa. I let her know that just kids sit on Santa's lap and we weren't going to leave her. He is going to ask what she wants for Christmas and if she tells him she will get it for Christmas.

While waiting in line Scott asked if she wanted her sweater off. Grumpily she said, No! I didn't think the Santa visit was going to go well. When we walked into the room she happily skipped right over to him. She never smiled, but didn't get upset either. I saw them talking softly, but couldn't hear what they were talking about.

Since this was our last year here we let Meadow pick out a treat. I asked her what Santa and her talked about and she said, "I told him I wanted a purple dress, a pink dress and candy. And he wasn't scary either."

Meadow wanted to go back through again and we obliged.

I wish the store had never been remodeled. As much as I don't shop at departments stores I'm sad to see it closing.

Before leaving we looked through the Christmas decoration department one last time.

Dec 8 - I Made Meadow's Christmas Gift
Meadow likes to wear one of our aprons when she helps us cook. So for Christmas I made her her own reversible apron.


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