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This Is Getting Real: Babyshower Hour

We left Friday morning to travel to Wisconsin for our baby shower. 

Jaspur wanted out as soon as we got in the house.

When we arrived my mom said, "Do you like what I got you?" Then she told us we don't get to keep it because it was going to be used at Chelsea's baby shower. 

My mom and I tried to find the baby's heartbeat with her stethoscope, but failed again. 

After a long time shopping at Sam's Club to get things we needed for the party we finally got to eat. 

Of course we decided to pick up a Sam's Club's deli dinner. It actually wasn't half bad.

Once dinner was over I had to make cake pops while Scott made 3 kinds of sausages. 

It took me the rest of the night to prep the Polish, Italian and brats. Meanwhile Brooke swore about her  distaste for white chocolate.

The next morning we had lots to do to set up for the party. Of course today was the coldest day of the week. So, our backyard cookout had to stay in the garage. 

I think we could've managed putting on coats, but no one was having it.

While I made the sausage on Friday night, Mr. Mike took on the task of manning the grill.

Scott and I didn't want a traditional baby shower. Scott's having a baby too, so he can be involved. We turned the baby shower into more of a party and get together. A few guys told me this was their first baby shower.

We basically copied the idea from Donna and Malcolm. Except their shower was cuter.

My whole family got involved so we weren't the ones planning the whole thing. That made it a lot easier. 

Amanda and Jeff arrived and she surprised me with a gift for me. Veggie stickers and a camera necklace which I love and have been wearing everyday.

It's a tiny FM2!

Of course all the uncles stood outside by the grill.

I feel so lucky to know so many amazing people who showed up for our little party. 

Today was Donna's due date but that didn't stop them from coming. 

I was worried my parents wouldn't find their way. 

They don't have a cell phone or GPS. Thankfully they both made it safely.

Instead of playing games we had people bring a children's book to be entered into a door prize. To go along with our grill out theme the lucky winner got some grillware. 

Then it was time to open presents. I don't like attention so it was nice to have Scott there with me. Except he was whipping threw them so quickly. Watching other people open gifts isn't always entertaining so I guess it was fine. Olive wanted to be by us too. 

Chelsea took care of making a list for us.

We got so much stuff. 

Since we don't know what we're having we thought this onesie was pretty funny. 

It never seemed to end.

My mom got the baby a lamb coat and booties. All the women adored it.

Little Forrest or Meadow is going to be one happy baby.

Now all we need is a bassinet and a few other things.

Most of our guest filed their way out after we opened gifts. A few people stuck around and snacked.

Between feedings Marina would make an appearance. Olive thought she would entertain her with Chelsea's necklace. 

Madeline even came over later. Olive was apparently too hot and needed to cool off in the fridge. 

Tyler, Emma and Olive were staying with us at my parents house. They wanted to see Appleton so we discussed where to go to eat. 

The funny thing is Tyler picked this place and none of us had ever heard.

It's no surprise that Tyler went for the Indian place.

Not bad at all. May go back in their in the future.

It looks like we skipped a few weeks, but actually I was wrong all along. I found out at my last appointment that I was 2 weeks farther along than I thought. I was pretty mad about it at first because I didn't believe them, then I realized they were right. I still can't believe no one mentioned this to me earlier. 

Being as it was Mother's Day we went to church with my parents before going out for brunch. Scott didn't get up early enough to eat breakfast so he had his first pop tart in years on the way.

Could've been worse.

We had to leave church early to pick up Chelsea and Dan and make it on time to our reservation. The country club was an hour away. I passed the time reading more about pregnancy and birth. When I sit for too long the baby pushes into my ribs and lungs. Scott thought it was cute. 

Every year my family does brunch with my mom's side of the family. We're never home during Mother's Day so this was Scott's first brunch. I love brunch buffets. Since I love breakfast it's like a dream to have endless choices of whatever I want. 

I felt so full for the second day in a row.

Mama Gail got a card from one of us. She looked pretty excited. Behind the card, that is.

All the mom's got a flower.

I guess these two count.

Brooke's aunt wanted a picture of Brooke and Chelsea. We waited for them in the car.

When we got home everyone had fallen asleep and taken a nap. Once we got up I gave my mom her gift. Last Christmas my sisters and I had gotten her a juicer so I gave her a recipe book with different juice and smoothie ideas. 

Everything seems much greener here than it is at home. 

Wish my grass was this pretty.

Apparently someone  didn't finish their soda from the party.

Our friend Ben that lives in Seattle happened to be in town as well. We met up with him at the old Beaners. 

We chatted and caught up for a few hours. He'll be in Minneapolis in a couple days so we'll see him again. 

I'm jealous of his epic bicycle journey down the west coast. I hope to join him next time around.

Brunch was so filling we didn't have lunch or dinner. When we got home we were feeling hungry again and had leftovers. 

Even though Tyler and Emma stayed at my parents we didn't see them in the morning.

I saw this and wondered why there was a post-it note on it.

 My mom wanted to make sure they had coffee. 

I had off on Monday so we were able to stay an extra day. 

We had a lot of stuff to pack up first. 

We webt back to my dad's shop so Scott could rephotograph it. I needed to be out of the frames so I read on the forklift.

New Facebook picture?

"Get a picture of me closing the garage door."

Thanks hun.

Since I was in high school, the village had plans to build an actual working windmill to celebrate the areas Dutch heritage. The windmill was to be constructed in Holland and put together here. It was finally built last year, but is only 90% done. It's supposedly going to grind grain. I wish it was finished and I hope we can buy flour made by it. 

We went home for lunch and finished packing up.

Indian food isn't exactly the best choice before a long car ride.

My parents rhubarb plant is already a huge bush. I grabbed some to take home. 

Before we left I packed a bunch of ground venison and a few roasts. Thanks Mr. Mike and Mama Gail.

So long Wisconsin. Until next time. 


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